Instrument Interfacing Then and Now
In days of yore, automated analyzers could be coaxed to spew out ASTM messages out of a simple serial port and you could capture that ASTM for what little processing was needed and then send that data to the LIS, the lab's computer system.
Then came network-capable instruments and HL7, which was an improvement in many ways but much more complicated. (More complexity: sometimes there was ASTM over network and rarely HL7 over serial.)
The LIMS concept took off: a kind of middleman between the instruments and the LIS. The lines became blurry: you could verify on the instrument, on the LIMS or in the LIS. Orders can from the HIS via either the LIS or the LIMS.
With each wave of change, I shrugged and did whatever was needed. Sometimes it was easier; sometimes it was harder. Often things improved for users. There was certainly more to debug when things went wrong.
New Instrument Interface
In theory, after a few years of progress, this instrument interface should have been easier than previous efforts, because automated analyzers are so much smarter than they used to be. Better yet, I controlled the LIS end in this case because I wrote it and I maintain it.
And it was easier, each of the three times I wrote it. Overall, the interfacing was not really any easier than in days gone by.
Why did we have to write the interface three times?
Version1: Real-time Instrument to LIS
We went through the pain of network configuration (not least punching a hole in at least one firewall) to connect the instrument to the LIS. I wrote the simple HL7 message processor to load the data as it came off the instrument. The HL7 was a little odd, but that was not a big deal. Hurray! Mission accomplished.
Version 2: Real-time LIMS to LIS
Then the users decided that they wanted to use the LIMS that they already had, because order and data entry was better on the LIMS than on the instrument. So they connected their instrument to the LIMS and we connected the LIMS to our LIS and I rewrote the HL7 handling to accommodate the variant HL7 produced by the LIMS. Hurray! again.
(Then some data arrived in the instrument HL7 dialect. Whoops! the users were experimenting with not using the LIMS. We didn't mind, did we? Then more data arrived in the LIMS dialect: yes, they were going to use the LIMS. Almost certainly.)
Version 3: Batch LIMS to LIS
Whoops. The users decided that they wanted the data entry on the LIMS, but to do verification on our LIS which implied to them that the results would be batched on the LIS. So I rewrote the network layer to cache the HL7 messages until the users felt that the results constituted a "batch". Hurray, except that now we are over budget and they have changed their deadline to allow the lab to change their procedures.
More options do not always make projects smoother or better--or even make consumers happy (see this Fast Company article for details).
As the Lab IT landscape becomes more cluttered, I find that projects are harder to define, longer to implement and more expensive to execute. I would like to say that the rise of the giant Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) software is fixing this problem, but my experience is that COTS is making it worse.
So the next time your IT folks say "it isn't that simple" press them for details but be prepared to believe them.