This release finished a rather unsavoury assignment which yielded a rather good result: a custom lab bench computer or, as we say now, "thin client."
The goal was simple: to create a supportable computer which would do all that a lab tech needs to do:
- provide a full-screen terminal to their homegrown HP MPE LIS (!)
- provide rapid access to their on-line Lab Manual
- provide a web browser for the growing number of web-based UIs
- provide a full-screen terminal to their homegrown order handler
- a Linux image to run on old (discarded!) former Windows 95 boxes
- a simple X-windows windows manager, "Rat Poison" (kill the mouse)
- a custom app to provide a full-screen UI to their Lab Man data
- a customized version of the MiniCom terminal emulator
- support for MPE line-handling
- split-screen support to share the screen (Lab Man or order handler)
- scroll-back buffer
- copy-and-paste
- screen history for each session
- automatic updating for all these components, including the Lab Man
- remote viewing of terminal session history
- this turned out to be fantastic for providing LIS support
Engineering can be beautiful, but life often demands ugly and our motto is "beauty is in the eye of the user--not the engineer."